Posts tagged ‘AnalyticsPBI’

A Sneak Peek at Our New HTML 5 UI and Geek Love for Some of the Libraries Used in Building AnalyticsPBI4Azure

By Terence Craig

AnalyticsPBI Coming SoonDrumroll please! After nearly a year of development work, we are about to offer early access to the first real-time/streaming analytics solution software appliance for the cloud – AnalyticsPBI for Azure.  There will be more forthcoming on the product launch but the new UI is so cool I had to show it off a bit.

We will be following up with a formal launch and Early Access Program (EAP) signups in the next couple of weeks so watch this space and for details – the big data analytics market is about to change in a big way! Here’s a sneak peek on what we’ve been working on.

For the geek part of my blog I am going to give a shout out to three libraries that we are using – all have made a huge difference in the product’s performance, scalability, and usability. The first two libraries come from Microsoft – Reactive Extensions and TPL Dataflow.  The third library is the open source math and statistics library, Math.Net.


November 8, 2013 at 2:07 pm 2 comments

Introducing AnalyticsPBI for Azure—A Cloud-Centric, Components-Based, Streaming Analytics Product

By Terence Craig

It has been a while since I’ve done posts that focus on our technology (and big data tech in general). We are now about 2 months out from the launch of the Azure version  of our analytics application, AnalyticsPBI, so it is the perfect time to write some detailed posts about our new features. Consider this the first in the series.

But before I start exercising my inner geek, it probably makes sense to take a look at the development philosophy and history that forms the basis of our upcoming release. Historically, we delivered our products in one of two ways:

  • As a framework which morphed (as of release 2.0) into AnalyticsPBI, our general analytics application designed for business users, quants, and analysts across industries.
  • As vertical applications (customized on top of AnalyticsPBI) for specific industries (like FinancePBI and our original Retail Analytics application) which we sold directly to companies in those industries.


November 29, 2012 at 8:38 am 8 comments

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